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Program Input Nilai

Challenge Binar Academy Kampus Merdeka Batch 3 - Chapter 2. Get the highest, lowest, and average value of a list of scores.

#CLI  #Binar Challenge  

Program Input Nilai

Save the scores to an array and then get the highest, lowest, and average value of the scores.

Loop the input process until the user wants to stop.

Binar Challenge - Backend JavaScript - Chapter 2

This project is one of Challenge from Binar Academy Kampus Merdeka. The challenge is to build a program that can get the highest, lowest, and average value of a list of scores.

Source code : GitHub / GitLab

Installation and Usage

Clone the repository

1git clone

Cd into the project directory

1cd binar-challenge/chapter2

Run the program

1node app.js

Follow the instructions on the screen to use the program.

Next Challenge

The next challenge is to create a Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Database, and Data Manipulation Language (DML). Check it out here.