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Calculator CLI

Challenge Binar Academy Kampus Merdeka Batch 3 - Chapter 1. Calculator CLI is a simple calculator that can be used in the terminal. This project is built with NodeJS and inquirer packages.

#CLI  #NodeJS  #Inquirer  #Binar Challenge  

Calculator CLI

Calculator CLI is a simple calculator that can be used in the terminal. This project is built with NodeJS and inquirer packages.

Binar Challenge - Backend JavaScript - Chapter 1

This project is one of Challenge from Binar Academy Kampus Merdeka. The challenge is to build a simple calculator that can be used in the terminal. The calculator must be able to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and more.

Source Code is available on GitHub and GitLab.


  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Square Root
  • Square Area
  • Cube Volume
  • Cylinder Volume
  • Exit

Tech Stack

Installation and Usage

Clone the repository.

1git clone

Go to the project directory.

1cd binar-challenge/chapter1

Install dependencies.

1# npm 2npm install 3 4# yarn 5yarn install


1node challenge/app.js


Calculator CLI image 1
Operation Menu and Output Result
Calculator CLI image 2
Input Number
Calculator CLI image 3
Input Number
Calculator CLI image 4
Result of Calculator CLI

Next Challenge

The next challenge is to build student input score system. The system must be able to input student score and get the highest, lowest, and average value of the scores. Check it out here.